Saturday, May 1, 2010

More Healthy Fast Food Alternatives

So apparently there is a fast food movement going on. FINALLY! On the same day I stopped at the Starbucks I stopped at Burger King. Hey it's a long ride from school to home and I had too much water to drink, LOL. What can a girl do? As walked in, the fragrant scent of french fries caught my stomach's attention. My stomach started growling like a lion in a cage. It dawned on me that I had been so busy with school, I had not eaten much that day other than my coffee and danish. I was famished, but I am making an effort to eat healthier and to stay away from corn fed beef--more on that later**.

Back to my BK experience. After much debate in my head, I decided to see what kind of salads BK had. While waiting to order, it came to my attention that BK corporation had put together a 650 calorie menu. That is a relatively healthy caloric intake for lunch. Granted, it is primarily fried, but it is a step in the right direction. What caught my attention next was far more astonishing. While perusing the menu, I notice the most amazing thing. BK had partnered with Morning Star Farms and was now carrying a vege burger. WOOP! Guess what I ordered, a vege burger with extra extra pickle and whopper fixings! It was delicious. No corn fed beef for me. Thank you BK for giving us health bugs something other than salad to order at a fast food restaurant for a reasonable price.

On a rather interesting note, that night when I got home, while watching my favorite show (Two and A Half Men), Subway put up an add for their brand new egg white breakfast sandwich. I will have to make time to try it just to see if it is as good as my other healthier fast food alternatives. I will keep you posted.

**[Watch the documentary "King Corn" for information. It's really good and just presents information for you to form your own opinion. It is not trying to beat you over the head or be persuasive one way or another.]

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